About The Boonslick Chordbusters

 The Boonslick Chordbusters put on their first show in 1997, but the chorus actually evolved from a heritage of barbershop singing that has existed in mid-Missouri for much longer. When the first barbershop chapter in Columbia, known as the Tiger Town Tuners, slowly folded after many years, a few members began to sing with the Booneville chapter called the River City Chordbusters. After a while, this chapter also fell apart. Many years began to pass with no active barbershop chapter in the area, and it became clear that had to change.

    Those of us still missing the sounds of good harmony were stirred into action. Phone calls were made to those who had the burning desire to form a new chapter in Columbia. The response was very positive. Bill Tetley agreed to direct the chorus - but only if everyone paid their dues and showed up for practice on a regular basis. This new chorus would not be done in by a lack of a consistent core membership as had happened in the past. Our president made a request for the transfer of charter from Boonville to Columbia. The transfer was approved by the Barbershop Harmony Society headquarters, and a new chapter was born!

    Over the years, we have long been supported by several larger, award-winning choruses such as the Ambassadors of Harmony from St. Charles, MO; the Heart of America Chorus from Kansas City, MO; and the Big Chicken Chorus from Marietta, GA. We’ve enjoyed the many friendships we’ve made with barbershoppers and great quartets from all over.

    Now here we are all these years later, paying our dues and singing with gusto. We have always had a nucleus of dedicated barbershoppers and now have several younger, talented members which will help ensure a long, harmonious, future.
Copyright © 2025 Boonslick Chordbusters